3 Reasons to Get a Spare Car Key

Many people only keep a single copy of their car keys. However, Winnipeg locksmiths believe that this is a bad practice, and it’s recommended that you get car key duplication and car key programming services. Here’s why:

Peace of Mind

If you lose your original keys somewhere or can’t find them when you are in a rush, having a spare key allows you to go about your day. They’re extremely handy in a pinch, and you can look for your original keys later on.

 A repaired car key and key fob.

Keeping a spare key set in a fixed location at all times reduces the stress of losing access to your primary key. If you do not have one, you might not be able to drive your car, so it’s smart to have extra keys.

Convenience for Cohabiting People

If you’re living with other people, having spare keys can help you in numerous ways. Firstly, you don’t have to get a new key made for them. Similarly, you don’t have to give them yours. In case one of you loses the original key, the other person might still have it, and you can borrow the extra key in an emergency.

Many problems arise from multiple people relying on one key, such as waiting, planning out schedules, and other issues, which can be eliminated by ensuring more people have copies of the keys.

Prevent Lockouts

You might think it’s a rare occurrence, but people tend to get locked out of their cars quite often. Not only do you have to call in an emergency automotive locksmith service, but you have to wait a fair bit. All of this can be avoided if you had an extra car key, allowing you to take care of the problem for yourself.

You can save a lot of time and money this way. Key duplication services can produce numerous extra copies of your original keys. Whether you are a professional driver or use your car for commute, it can be a great relief to have an extra car key on you.

Get in touch with us at Lockmish Locksmith Winnipeg Services for a variety of services. We offer Wi-Fi deadbolts, electric strikes, car key programming, or key duplication service in Winnipeg.

We provide a 24-Hour locksmith service in Winnipeg, including mobile services that will be at your location as long as you’re in coverage areas.

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